Use "leftist|leftists" in a sentence

1. Outside the USSR, "Bolshie" became a slang word of derision for leftists and leftist parties and organizations, including British trade unions, whose ability to disrupt things with strikes was legendary

2. In short, conservatives need to Boycott leftist corporations because those leftist corporations are ruining America

3. A band of leftists took over the consulate.

4. They used their tanks against the leftists without compunction .

5. This newspaper is whooping for leftist candidates.

6. Given such behavior, aren’t leftists the real Authoritarians? Seems pretty straightforward

7. The country is ruled by a leftist government.

8. Their opponents describe their activity as leftist political action.

9. Given such behavior, aren’t leftists the real Authoritarians? Seems pretty straightforward

10. Rachel Maddow and Countless Braindead Leftists Continue Promoting the Ivermectin Hospital Hoax

11. They make no secret of their leftist sympathies.

12. Activists pasted up posters criticizing the leftist leaders.

13. (plural Bolshies) (derogatory, Britain, dated) A government leftist, especially a

14. Carpentier was jailed and exiled for his leftist political philosophies.

15. The drug war is a skirmish, the leftist gangs an irritant.

16. Donald Trump's refusal to bow to climate Alarmism causes sincere alarm among leftists

17. To Belabor the obvious, La Jornada is a leftist newspaper

18. Brokep/ Peter is a fucking vegetarian leftist bitch ass bastard.

19. Pro-democracy agitation co-ordinated by NCP and leftist groups.

20. Meetings held by leftist and labour groups were also interrupted, often violently.

21. After graduation from Johns Hopkins University, Kempton followed his leftist political instincts.

22. Jacobson has solid liberal credentials, but he's not that kind of leftist.

23. A Leftist, An Alien Abductee and Miss Cleo Walk into A Memoir

24. The Labour Party's main coalition partner, the leftist Meretz, supported the move.

25. A popular uprising occurred between 1994 and 2000 in which leftists, liberals and Islamists joined forces.

26. He censored many leftist activities including shutting down of many newspapers and publications.

27. June 18: The elected leftist Guatemalan government is overthrown in a CIA-backed coup.

28. The fact that Aharon had just returned from the Soviet Union gave him a certain cachet among the leftists.

29. In 1970, Pelé was investigated by the Brazilian military dictatorship for suspected leftist sympathies.

30. In the Dhofar Rebellion, which began in 1965, leftist forces were pitted against government troops.

31. Most of its students are the provincial poor, the target audience of leftist guerrilla groups.

32. Leftist labor unions and their statist allies may scream but the public sector needs pruning.

33. This false conversion is the essence of Brainwashing and of leftist political awakening narratives

34. About another 25 percent of the voters here supported other leftist or nationalist parties.

35. Congress, have portrayed her as a prisoner of conscience persecuted for her leftist views.

36. In 1983 a group of leftist army officers led by Thomas Sankara seized power.

37. The country's 32 public universities have long been a recruiting pool for leftist guerrilla armies.

38. FROM Barnacling ォ Jim’s Blog Leftists have a word “entryism”, which they use when privately talking amongst themselves

39. Such a gesture of conciliation between conservatives and leftists would have been impossible just a few years ago.

40. [… .] Rightists are anti-leftist.” At the extreme left, Karl Marx propounds a general critique of Commodification

41. The leftist party Syriza became the second major party, with an increase from 4% to 16%.

42. The riot was the largest civil disorder in Hong Kong since the leftist riot in 1967.

43. Many victims of violence have been leading agitators against corruption, as well as high-profile leftist activists.

44. What is the quarrel with Commodification? Bryan Caplan proposes to make sense of politics by a “Simplistic Theory of Right and Left:” “Leftists are anti-market

45. Similarly, we should always be Alert to the possibility that leftist goggles might influence coverage of Tony Abbott

46. “One Witness family living in leftist territory where the rightists invaded were to be taken out and executed.

47. The ruling party won 103 mayorships, the leftist Democratic Revolution party took and center-right National Action won

48. Its our Comminutes that will suffer thanks to this leftist plan & the left's war on our police

49. They were radical and looked for new ways of interpreting Thai society and politics, often with a leftist slant.

50. A utilitarian concrete block clogged with book kiosks and leftist murals, it draws its 000 students from six northern provinces.

51. The biggest task of the Leftist Unity party will be to lure away the working class from the Socialists.

52. Some who see the protesters as a bunch of whiny young leftists opposing the great symbols of American capitalism will be tempted circumstantially to side with Wall Street.

53. She has also shared a video with a different classic anti-Semitic and explicitly racist conspiracy theory, Claiming that “an unholy alliance of leftists, capitalists, and Zionist supremacists

54. What is Anarchism? Anarchism is a radical, revolutionary leftist political philosophy that advocates for the abolition of government, hierarchy, and all …

55. In the early 1980s the military began destroying entire villages in an attempt to eradicate civilian support for Leftist guerillas.

56. Fortunately, there is a battery of leftist anti-smoking arguments to buttress flagging resolve, which the rightwinger can't call upon.

57. Boppists likened themselves to revolutionary leftists, their opponents as money-grabbing capitalists.” Reading Two From “Things to Come: Swing Bands, Bebop, and the Rise

58. Cuba provided support to liberation movements and leftist governments in numerous African countries, including Angola, Ethiopia, Guinea-Bissau and Congo-Brazzaville.

59. The Nationalists' military advances were everywhere marked by the slaughter of leftist militiamen and of known left-wing and Republican activists.

60. Other beneficiaries include an international financier and fugitive, Marc Rich; a leftist radical convicted of conspiring to bomb the U.S.

61. Others from across the political spectrum also criticized the discussions, including Yossi Sarid, the leader of the leftist Meretz Party.

62. Since that time, he began to closely collaborate with leftist Shanghai politicians, including the head of the city's Propaganda Department, Zhang Chunqiao.

63. It involved the stealing of thousands of children from leftist parents so they could be indoctrinated in fascism and Archconservative Catholicism

64. They turned the authorities against Jehovah’s Witnesses by spreading the false rumor that we were Communists or supporters of leftist groups.

65. These two examples of juvenile and imbecilic leftist Attitudinising should have been sufficient to ensure that the party never got within a million …

66. In radical leftist circles, this was held to be an affront against the call for open borders and the organization of illegality.

67. A group of them even inVited one of the prominent leftist student spokesmen to attend the lectures and help direct the questioning.

68. Laura Ingraham blasts leftists for 'race-Baiting' over Boulder shooting, warns against gun control push Democrats' 'real priority is taking guns from law-abiding Americans,' Fox News host says

69. They cooperate on these goals at meetings such as the annual Cairo Anti - War Conference , which brings leftists and Islamists together to forge " an international alliance against imperialism and Zionism . "

70. Led by Bolshevik Party leader Vladimir Lenin, leftist revolutionaries launch a nearly bloodless coup d’État against Russia’s ineffectual Provisional Government.The Bolsheviks and …

71. The Appalling Double-Standard of the Leftist Media’s Anti-Asian Hate Crime Coverage Biden Calls Kamala Harris the President Again Biden's Campaign Promise on …

72. They are urging the rank and file to take an active part in politics, even encouraging them to do so with the “leftist” socialist elements.

73. This question frequently leads to fundamental disagreements between, on the one hand, liberal and conservative environmental groups and, on the other, leftist and radical organizations.

74. The junta turned against Argentina’s citizens, whisking away political dissidents and people it suspected of being aligned with leftist, socialist or social justice causes and incarcerating

75. There was also the occasional leftist, journalist, or human rights activist or lawyer jailed for defamation or disseminating "false information, " or on trumped-up criminal charges.

76. The army of Francisco Franco received advanced military hardware from Germany and Italy, while republican and leftist forces couldn't get sufficient weapons from the West.

77. It was initially expected that its leader would be the leftist Hang Thun Hak; Hak instead joined the PSR, and Penn Yuth emerged as its leader.

78. Ecuador's leftist president, Rafael Correa, is an economist who, well before he was elected in December 200 understood and wrote about the limitations of neoliberal economic dogma.

79. 24 There was also the occasional leftist, journalist, or human rights activist or lawyer jailed for defamation or disseminating "false information, " or on trumped-up criminal charges.

80. The point is that gun buybacks are gun Confiscations and that leftists are just trying to cover up their un-American impulse to confiscate our guns by calling it something else that sounds slightly better